Random BSOD Memory – Windows 10/7 – WinDBG
if you are experiencing random BSOD Memory errors without change much on you system it is worth to check following thing before:
- Use WinDBG to find out any issues with drivers (!analyze -v – should give you the driver name)
- If you see different program or drivers, follow below. Otherwise remove / update the driver to check if the BSOD stops.
- Check Cooling (Thermal paste) on CPU
- Check with Core Temp program or maybe in bios.
- Intel CPU’s should have approx 30-40° C while AMD little more like 60° ? Not sure about AMD.
- Check memory with MemTest86
- Yes, this take really long time, so do it overnight.
- at least 8 passes
- if you see a error, stop test, remove half of the RAMs and start over. If no error, do same with the rest to find out the faulty RAM
- Check if memory sits tight in the sockets.
- better to remove the RAM and exchange the sockets with other RAMs
- Change power supply temporary
More tips to follow…
For me it was 2. which produced the random BSOD with memory issues.
Let me know what was for you the issue.