Apr 24 2018

which program prevent windows 10 go sleep mode

powercfg -requests

C:\WINDOWS\system32>powercfg /Requests

[DRIVER] Realtek High Definition Audio (HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_10EC&DEV_0…01)
Ein Audiostream wird derzeit verwendet.





will list the state of the exe’s.

So we can see DRIVER under SYSTEM there is Realtek High Definition Audio in use.

to override the request :

powercfg -REQUESTSOVERRIDE DRIVER Realtek High Definition AudioSYSTEM

now it should be discarded and you should be able to get your PC into sleep mode again.

Too sad that it does take research instead of an icon on the right bottom side which tells you: your PC wanted to sleep, but could not because of xyz. Do you want to disable xyz? do you want to disable this message? oh man… alles muss man selber machen :-)))

sfc /scannow will check filesystem for corrupt files when required.

Sep 27 2017

Excel: How to count backwards / reverse / counting down with autofill

this simple approach might get complicated and have many ways to resolve, but here is my suggested solution:

counting down from 4 to 0,  use: =5-row(A1)

this might be useful if you want to transpose also the direction.

A                B
Head               formular

Index1                =index(a$2:a$4;5-row(A1))
Index2                =index(a$2:a$4;5-row(A2))
Index3                =index(a$2:a$4;5-row(A3))

counting down from 4 to 2 🙂

Sep 17 2017

locale on linux

first check what's set: sudo locale 
second create the missing one with: sudo locale-gen "en_US.UTF-8"
third: sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales

source: https://askubuntu.com/questions/162391/how-do-i-fix-my-locale-issue

Also, if you have issues to use german Umlaute (äüöÄÜÖß) which is not show in the colsole, try to edit /etc/inputrc

# Turns off 8th bit stripping
set convert-meta Off

Mar 25 2017

speed up SSH login

turn off reverse DNS lookups:
"UseDNS no" in /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Apr 16 2016

Excel – Switching languages back and forth

if you accidentally clicked SHIFT + LEFT ALT key, the keyboard switches the input language. you in German keyboard input you will receive an Z if you want to enter a Y. Just click on LEFT-SHIFT + LEFT-ALT key once and release, you should be back (or next language).

in order to disable the short cut, better go to control panel:
Language settings, advance, disable the keyboard short cuts (click on no action on the radio buttons)

what an annoying and useless feature for 95% of the users…

Oct 20 2015

espeak – mb-de5 kann meinen namen nicht?

espeak mit mbrola kann plötzlich meinen namen nicht mehr aussprechen…
mbrola: Warning: t-EI unkown, replaced with _-_
oktay = okt ?

man kann die entsprechende phoneme datei ändern (suchen mit find /usr -name “mb-de*”)
vi /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabi/espeak-data/voices/mb/mb-de5
replace 0 EI aI

Oktay = Oktay 🙂

Folgendemaßen läßt sich die alternative Aussprache ermitteln:
espeak -v mb-de5 “Oktay” –pho

EI 77 0 153 80 144 100 144

espeak -v mb-de5 “Oktai” –pho (–pho gibt mbrola phoneme aus)

aI 77 0 153 80 144 100 144

Sep 29 2015

mutt – without authentication – plain login


set from = "info@mail.com"
set realname = "name lastname"
set smtp_url="smtp://user:pass@domain.com:25"
set smtp_authenticators="login:plain"
set ssl_verify_dates = no
set ssl_verify_host = no
set ssl_starttls=no
set ssl_force_tls=no

Jun 11 2015

Mediwall – A waiting room monitor for patient’s

Mediwall works now fine since almost 2 years in a medical office in Dortmund City.
So it’s time to provide some more information soon.
To see it in action, please visit Dr. Akin Kara’s medical office.

I will post soon demo videos, information and pictures.

stay tuned. In the meanwhile you can contact me via email to get more information’s.


info – at – ok t a   y.c o m

Feb 1 2015

ffmpeg join / concate 2 or more ts video files

first cut your video file:
ffmpeg -i gekocht.ts -ss 56:21 -t 9:27 -c:v copy -c:a copy part2.ts
-t = length

then concat

ffmpeg -i "concat:part1.ts|part2.ts" -c copy out.ts

Dec 14 2014

433 mhz antennen länge

Lambda = c / f
Lambda = 300.000.000 / 433000000
0,6928406466512702 meter

Lambda /4
0,1732101616628176 meter
17,3 cm

c= 299 792 458 m/s, but for sake of simplicity use 300.000.000