Feb 14 2009

[PS3 UPNP] Dreambox + mediatomb & PS3 = null problemo !


1. get precompiled ppc version of mediatomb from mediatomb download site
2. extract on your dreambox hdd (ex: /hdd/mdeiatomb)
3. edit config/config.xml as following:

<protocolInfo extend="yes"/>
// for german characters
<import hidden-files="no">


 // if you want to see your mpgs etc

    <map from="mpg" to="video/mpeg" />
    <map from="m2v" to="video/mpeg" />
    <map from="gif" to="image/gif" />
    <map from="jpg" to="image/jpeg" />
    <map from="png" to="image/png" />
    <map from="ts" to="video/mpeg"/>
    <map from="vob" to="video/mpeg"/>
    <map from="wav" to="audio/wav"/>
    <map from="mpg" to="video/mpeg"/>
    <map from="aac" to="audio/x-aac"/>
    <map from="m4a" to="audio/mp4"/>
    <map from="mkv" to="video/x-matroska"/>
    <map from="mov" to="video/x-quicktime"/>
Additional XML formats
        <treat mimetype="audio/wav" as="wav"/>
        <treat mimetype="video/x-quicktime" as="mov"/>
        <treat mimetype="audio/x-ms-wma" as="wma"/>
        <treat mimetype="audio/x-ms-asf" as="asf"/>
        <treat mimetype="audio/x-aac" as="aac"/>
        <treat mimetype="video/x-ms-wmv" as="wmv"/>
        <treat mimetype="video/x-matroska" as="mkv"/>
restart mediatomb, and that's it:

Feb 11 2009

[win xp] rdp with nvidia – connection lost

der neuste grafiktreiber (inzwischen 2 jahre alt das problem… 🙁  ) von Nvidia macht probleme mit RDP.


Anwendungspopup: : \SystemRoot\System32\RDPDD.dll failed to load im eventviewer.

Einfach die Version Nvidia Forceware 169.21 WHQL installieren, dann sollte es gehen…

Feb 11 2009

[linux] backup of filesystem


dd if=/dev/hda1 bs=64k [conv=noerror,sync]| gzip -c | split -b 4g – /mnt/backup/hda1.img.gz (4gb files spilt)


cat /mnt/backup/hda1.img.gz.* | gzip -dc | dd of=/dev/hda1 bs=64k


retore MBR: 

dd if=/mnt/backup/MBR_hda.img of=/dev/hd1 count=1 bs=446


Feb 11 2009

[linux] save mbr

dd if=/dev/hda of=/mnt/backup/MBR_hda.img count=1 bs=512

Feb 11 2009

[fb] fritzbox change date / time

date MMDDhhmmYYYY.ss