Jan 10 2020

Random BSOD Memory – Windows 10/7 – WinDBG

if you are experiencing random BSOD Memory errors without change much on you system it is worth to check following thing before:


  1. Use WinDBG to find out any issues with drivers (!analyze -v – should give you the driver name)
    • If you see different program or drivers, follow below. Otherwise remove / update the driver to check if the BSOD stops.
  2. Check Cooling (Thermal paste) on CPU
    • Check with Core Temp program or maybe in bios.
    • Intel CPU’s should have approx 30-40° C while AMD little more like 60° ? Not sure about AMD.
  3. Check memory with MemTest86
    • Yes, this take really long time, so do it overnight.
    • at least 8 passes
    • if you see a error, stop test, remove half of the RAMs and start over. If no error, do same with the rest to find out the faulty RAM
  4. Check if memory sits tight in the sockets.
    • better to remove the RAM and exchange the sockets with other RAMs
  5. Change power supply temporary

More tips to follow…

For me it was 2. which produced the random BSOD with memory issues.

Let me know what was for you the issue.



MemTest86 after 28hours :-O

Dec 20 2016

Windows 7 Update – fix it

1. Disable Windows Updates
2. install following KB updates,

3. Activate Windows Update again and try again.

Nov 29 2016

fix windows 7 mbr

bootrec /fixmbr
bootrec /fixboot
bootrec /rebuildbcd
select disk [Nummer] (Windows Festplatte auswählen)
list partition
select partition (auf der windows installiert ist)
dann neustarten und daumen drücken.

Oct 7 2013

outlook 2010 – hängt bei : profil wird geladen

wenn mit “Outlook /safe”  Outlook nicht mehr startet:

entweder “kb2794707” deinstallieren, erneut probieren.

wenn das auch nicht hilft, Reparatur durchführen. 

Sep 13 2013

LAPTOP kaufen, Eigenschaften

Da ich demnächst ein neues Laptop kaufen möchte, aber auch häufig gefragt werde, welchen man kaufen sollte, hier eine kleine Eigenschaften Liste die ein Laptop mitbringen sollte:

Laptop – Eigenschaften beim Kauf beachten:

1. Akku Laufzeit ca 10 Std.
2. Touch Screen
3. Festplatte min 750 GB
4. Arbeitsspeicher min 4 GB
5. 64 Bit
6. Display Retina oder vergleichbar
7. SSD / Hybrid
8. Sehr kurze Startzeiten -> checken
9. USB 3.0 + BT
10. Standby Aufwachzeit -> checken
11. Kartenleser SD
12. Display ca. 15″ HD
13. Anschluss ext. Monitor / HDMI !
14. Eingebaute Cam, abdeckbar
15. WLAN AC, 5GHz
16. Bezahlbar

Update (4 Jahre später): waren meine Wünsche denn der Zeit voraus? Nun gibt es so ein Laptop, und zwar das SB2 von MS. Ist zwar schon 2 Jahre auf dem Markt, aber damals für mein Verständnis nicht “bezahlbar” mit knapp 3000€…


Aug 12 2012

plist binary file: view or edit without additional software :-)

whenever you install itunes || co, you will have installed al required stuff already. so to view the content of your plist file use following batch file:
you need plutil in the folder %commonprogramfiles(x86)%\Apple\Apple Application Support

then you can also convert back to binary with that tool.
show_plist.bat [plist-file]

cd %commonprogramfiles(x86)%\Apple\Apple Application Support
echo now showing "%1"
echo plutil -convert xml1 -o - "%1"
plutil -convert xml1 -o - "%1"

or to convert them directly:
Bin to XML: plutil -convert xml1 file.plist
XML to Bin: plutil -convert binary1 file.plist

Oct 16 2011

BSoD – windbg – howto

1. Install windbg

2. Start windbg
3. Setup symbols with CTRL + S and enter:

4. Setup win32 path with CTRL + I

5. Open latest Crash Dumb from
with CTRL + D

6. Click or enter !analyze -v , wait till *busy* disappears



8. enter lmv for more info:

fffff880`0ff30000 fffff880`0ffb5000 Rt64win7 (deferred)
Mapped memory image file: c:\windows\system32\drivers\Rt64win7.sys
Image path: \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\Rt64win7.sys
Image name: Rt64win7.sys
Timestamp: Fri Jun 10 08:33:15 2011 (4DF1BAAB)
CheckSum: 0008B67F
ImageSize: 00085000
File version: 7.46.610.2011
Product version: 7.46.610.2011
File flags: 8 (Mask 3F) Private
File OS: 40004 NT Win32
File type: 3.6 Driver
File date: 00000000.00000000
Translations: 0000.04b0
CompanyName: Realtek
ProductName: Realtek 8136/8168/8169 PCI/PCIe Adapters
InternalName: rt64win7.sys
OriginalFilename: rt64win7.sys
ProductVersion: 7.046.0610.2011
FileVersion: 7.046.0610.2011 built by: WinDDK
FileDescription: Realtek 8136/8168/8169 NDIS 6.20 64-bit Driver
LegalCopyright: Copyright (C) 2011 Realtek Semiconductor Corporation. All Right Reserved.

9. get latest driver from manufacure of this device (in my case it’s the network card) and it should work again… if not, provide the manufacture your information above, it should help them …

Apr 19 2010

Windows 7 – unwanted wake up from standby automatically

if you want to know why your win7 pc wakes up automatically then just type in cmd prompt: POWERCFG -LASTWAKE

my output:

Aktivierungsverlaufsanzahl – 1

Aktivierungsverlauf [0]

Aktivierungsquellenanzahl – 1

Aktivierungsquelle [0]

Typ: Aktivierungszeitgeber

Besitzer: [PROCESS] \Device\HarddiskVolume2\Windows\System32\services.exe

Vom Besitzer bereitgestellter Grund: Die geplante Aufgabe “\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\mcupdate_scheduled” wird ausgeführt. Hierzu muss der Computer reaktiviert werden.

just go to task plannig options (aufgabenplanung) and deactivate in Media Center update.

Damn! what a powerwaste !!!


Also check with powercfg -waketimers what timers are active


more powercfg:

powercfg.exe /DEVICEQUERY /?

list all devices which can wake up you pc

PowerCfg -DEVICEQUERY wake_armed


disables for example my mouse

POWERCFG -DEVICEDISABLEWAKE “Logitech HID-compliant Cordless Mouse (002)”


Apr 2 2009

[xp outlook]

if you have trouble to open links in outlook then go in internet explorers setting, setup as standard browser. tr it again… then it should work. Once it is working again, go back to your favorite browser and change it to our standard brwoser…

Nov 8 2008

[xp/linux routing] add route

route print (check current routes)

route add mask
( is now reachable via 


route add -net netmask gw